Unity in Faith

Our Sermons

It’s hard to believe we’re coming to the close of our walk through the book of Romans.
We will be looking at chapter 15 verses 5-13 this week.
Verse 5 is our theme verse, it reads “ May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had,”.
We are to love and accept each other as Jesus loves and accepts us, with no conditions or restraint.
We are trust God with joy and peace that we might praise Him together as one and fill the world with the hope of the return of Christ.
That is one tall order, but one we can do if we rely on and trust in the Holy Spirit.
Our weekly community worship starts at 10:30 in person and on-line.
All are welcome.
Pastor Jonathan
Join us this Sunday moring at 10:30 am or check us out online by clicking this link.

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