We continue on this week with our “Biblical Covenant” series.
2 Samuel 7:1-16 & 28-29 speak of the covenant God made with David, specifically that his house will endure forever.
As we will soon see, David’s house does indeed endure forever, as Jesus comes from the line of David (and Abraham before David).
God had plans from the very beginning of time about what exactly would happen at the end of time.
The Davidic Covenant reminds us just who is in charge and what kind of plans He has.
Thanks be to God for always directing our lives and including us in His wonder filled rescue plan of love.
As always there is room enough for everyone at Living Faith, worship starts at 10:30 in person and on line every Sunday.
In grace and peace, Pastor Jonathan.
If you are unable to join us in person we live stream our services. You can catch them here.