On the Edge of Crazy

Our Sermons

Have you ever found yourself signing up to do something that is beyond your comfort level? Perhaps you find yourself reaching out to help someone, when you would rather let someone else do it? Or maybe you are sitting in church minding your own business when someone at the front asks for volunteers to help with the camera, the projector, the sound board, or even at the Bridge … and for some crazy reason you feel led to volunteer. It doesn’t make sense, you have no experience, or maybe you feel you have no skills in that area … but the feeling just won’t go away.
It’s not normal to think like Jesus. As Christians, every day we are called to live on the edge of crazy! If we’re honest, the Christian life doesn’t make sense, in fact sometimes it’s downright nuts. Jesus came to teach us not to do normal.  “If you want to be first, you must be … last”  That’s not normal, and what is the opposite of normal?  NUTS!  Jesus came to turn our thinking upside down.  If you want to be great, you must be a …. servant, if you want to be strong, you must become …. weak, if you want to live, you must …. die.  That’s nuts!  By the way, NUTS  means Never Underestimate The Spirit.
Join us this Sunday moring at 10:30 am or check us out online by clicking this link.

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