This week we will celebrate Communion during our Sunday morning worship, and we will have soup and a bun for lunch in Celebration Hall afterwards.
Our passage is Acts 9:1-31, where we have an account of Saul’s conversion.
Saul does a complete turn around, he starts out persecuting Christians and by the end of our passage he is preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Nothing is hopeless in the light of God’s unwavering love through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God has the power to change anything, including hardened hearts into soft and receptive ones.
Not only are Saul’s eyes opened but so is his heart, he becomes a completely new and different person after an encounter with God in Christ.
Come celebrate as we bear witness to the reality that God is forever making all things new.
As always, it all starts at 10:30 online and in person, and all welcome.
Pastor Jonathan
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